Anyone can learn the skills to help save a life from suicide.
Make a Connection, Help Save a Life

Applied Suicide Intervention Skills Training (ASIST)

Suicide is preventable. Anyone can make a difference.
• Half-day training in suicide alertness skills
• Learn four basic steps to create a life-saving connection
• Widely used by professionals and the general public
Offered both to the community at large and closed groups (workplaces, unions, schools, post secondary education centres, any community groups)
safeTALK T4T (Training for Trainers)
This two-day course will prepare you to present the LivingWorks safeTALK workshop. You’ll begin by experiencing LivingWorks safeTALK during the first half-day, then you’ll learn how to bring the training to life.
2 Day, In Person training offered to the community and on request. Next T4T will be October 2022.
For more information contact:

Meet the Trainers
Tamara Leniew has over 25 years of experience in mental health education including ASIST, safeTALK training and safeTALK T4T’s. Tamara is committed to helping create a suicide safer community.
Her passion, knowledge, expertise and engaging style has been valued by thousands of participants over the years. She has recently reached a milestone of having delivered 200 ASIST workshops, joining an elite group of amazing ASIST trainers, worldwide.
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Our Service Area
- Hamilton, Ontario and area